Step 1: Start Sketch
Open a new project in Fusion 360 and let’s start by creating a new sketch. Create⇩ > Create Sketch Choose the XZ Plane.
Step 2: Create a Rectangle
Next, create a 2-Point Rectangle by using the keyboard shortcut ‘R’. We want to make a rectangle with the width 2mm greater than the diameter of the bearing and the length 3mm greater than the diameter of the bearing.The diameter of our bearings are 22mm; make a rectangle that 24mm W X 25mm L.
Step 3: Bearing Inserts
Now we’re going to add two circles to the sketch. Press “C” to create a Center Diameter Circle align your mouse to the center point of the top line of the rectangle. A triangle will appear near the cursor when you reach the center point.
Make a circle that’s 2mm larger than the diameter of the bearing on the top and bottom line of the rectangle.
Now, we’re going to create an Offset of the circles. An Offset copies the selected sketch dimensions and curves it from the original specified distance. Press “O” to turn on the offset function > Click the outline of the of one of the circles > Create an Offset of -0.945mm
Notice that the diameter (22.11mm) of the inner circle is slightly larger than the diameter of our bearings(22mm); this is perfectly fine as it takes into account the tolerance of our printer. The bearing wouldn’t fit into the insert if it was the exact measurement of the bearing.
Learn more about the Offset command:
Step 4: Let’s Test Our Printer’s Tolerance
Before we move on with the rest of the design, let’s save time by test printing the insert to ensure we have our tolerance correct and that bearing will fit. We’re going to extrude part of our sketch; Press E for extrude and select the border of one of the inserts. Extrude by 7mm, the height of our bearing.
Export the model and print it. This should take less than 10minutes to print. Once the print is complete, try inserting the bearing and make sure it fits snug without it falling out.
If the bearing doesn’t fit the into the insert, repeat step 3 but make the offset larger. If the bearing fits but it can easily fall out, decrease the offset slightly. Once you have snug fit, let’s continue back to our design.
Step 5: Extrude Our Sketch
We now have to extrude the rest of our sketch; you may have noticed that our previous sketch disappeared after extruding – that’s okay! By default, Fusion will turn a sketch’s visibility off after an extrusion occurs.
To make the sketch visible again, Go to the browser view > Click the sketch drop down > Click the eye icon and the sketch should appear.
Extrude the rest of the sketch 7mm. Extrude(E) > Select Sketch Profiles to Extrude > Distance: 7mm > Operation: Join.
Step 6: Create a Pattern
To make the other ends of the fidget spinner, we’re going to use the Circular Pattern. A circular pattern will duplicate sketches, faces, features, bodies, or components and arrange them in an arc or circular pattern based on a chosen axis. Create⇩ > Pattern > Circular Pattern > Pattern Type ‘Bodies’> Select the Object > Choose an Axis (Click either one of the circular edges)
Learn more about the Circular Pattern:
Step 7: Combine
Now let’s combine the new bodies together. Modify⇩ > Select All Bodies > Operation: Join
Video Tutorial